Friday, 16 October 2009

Canoe Seat, Nopiming Park: WIP

I now have a French box easel permanently cached at my sister-in-law's cabin in Nopiming Provincial Park near the Ontario border. It seems to be one of the places where I can be totally alone to do whatever I want (within reason). It's also one of the first places I painted when picked up a brush for the first time last year. Last week I knocked off a quick sketch of a canvas canoe seat that hangs in the boat house down by the lake front -- despite a cold breeze blowing off the lake and the snow slowing my fingers. I'll keep painting everytime I'm out there unless a mysterious canoe accident comes my way.
Colours: Cadmium Red (med.), Sap Green, Naples Yellow, Indian Red, Titanium White, Payne's Grey. Turp wash to sketch in mixing my colour lines with Liquin Impasto.
8x10" Oil on canvas board.

1 comment:

plishk said...

i love this! can't wait to see more of your cabin painting series. (this is coming from knick's wife)